Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I am heading to see Angie...

I get to go and see her during my spring break which is one month away today!

I am so excited. we will hopefully be able to do loads of things together, maybe even have a little get together with a few others while I am there...

Please pray for good weather! So I don't have any delays!



Jason, Angie and Brady said...

Wow, we really ARE thinking the same thing!!! We really DO share a brain! :)

I can't WAIT!

Jason, Angie and Brady said...

No, really, I CAN'T WAIT!

Kim Ferguson said...

ha HA!!!!

the keith fam said...

so green with envy,but thrilled for you:) You guys will have a blast!!! Give her tummy a little rub for me will you.
Can't wait to hear all about it.