Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's a girl!!!

We found out on Monday that we are having a girl. I have no idea about girls as I grew up with 3 boys (brothers). I do have several nieces so maybe I'll be alright. Haha.

We went to an appointment on Wednesday and they gave us the results for the sonogram as well as the quad-screen blood test I had done a few weeks ago.....All is well. At least at this point all levels are normal.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday We Find Out

Well, our ultrasound is scheduled for Monday morning, May 18th. Supposedly we get to find out if we are having a boy or girl at this time. I do have a concern though, they tell me I need to drink 3- 8 oz glasses of liquid one hour before the appointment...I can't even drink ONE 8 oz glass of liquid straight down without feeling like my insides aren't all sloshy. PLUS then I am supposed to keep all the fluids IN me...they need me to have a full bladder, that is NOT a nice thing to tell a pregnant lady...that she CAN'T use the restroom!!!

I am excited to find out...but to be honest, I am not sure if I'll post it right away on facebook or EBCAlumni...You see, I was frustrated a few weeks ago when some people THOUGHT they were seeing an update and they took it upon themselves to announce it on another website...when in fact there was no announcement, only my husband being silly!

What do you all think? Am I being too emotional? Is it just hormones?

I am planning on calling or texting all the family and some close friends.

I am sure knowing myself I won't be able to keep the secret for long!

****Yes I finally updated*****